Membership Renewal Materials
Please complete all forms below by April 30, 2020 and submit with online registration here.
As with any organization, there are guidelines and commitments required of our members. Following is a summary of the Assisteens membership obligations:
Assisteens must serve 30 hours each year, 15 of which must be served on philanthropic service projects.
Parent or Legal Guardian of the Assisteen must serve 10 hours each year in support of Assisteens.
Parent or Legal Guardian is encouraged to work 3 shifts each year in the Assistance League of Irvine (ALI) Thrift Shop.
Annual Dues: Active Members - $50 (after initial year)
Senior Recognition Event - $50 annual assessment
Socials (optional) $10-$25 a few times per year
Annual Dinner (optional) $20 - $25 for each teen and family members attending
Assisteens must attend all regularly scheduled meetings (3 excused absences per year)
October and February meetings are Class Meetings only (no general meetings). The Advisors of each class determine this meeting’s content and location.
November and March are Mandatory Parent Meetings and are held before the regular meeting.
Any questions or concerns, please contact the membership registrar at: aliteenmembership@gmail.com